Mastercard's Web3 Ventures!🎯

Plus : Why the fuck do hackers love crypto?

Mastercard's Web3 Ventures💡
Plus : Why Do Hackers Love Crypto?

Welcome 🙏to Joint #27! We are sure to give you some insights about this week's weekly updates too🥳 keep reading!

This week was really happening and yes aapko ni idea…but worry not! Web3 Stash Hai na😇. I hope you know reading this will bring you closer to your Crush👀

Let's start by having a look at BTC and ETH 👀

As on 25 October, 6:42 AM

Abhi let's dive into some good web3 news and trust me it's fun keep reading😭😭🤌🏻 Today we have rolled 🙌the following topics for you all -

  1. Mastercard's Web3 Ventures 💡

  2. Walmart's Web3 Accelerator Program 🚀

  3. Why do hackers love crypto so much?✖️

💡Mastercard's Web3 Ventures💡

Payments giant Mastercard is exploring how best to collaborate with self-custody wallet firms like MetaMask🦊and Ledger🤝

Mastercard pointed out in a presentation deck that having a payments card helps wallet providers🤔

It increase the number of active users👥 and builds loyalty ✅️and other revenue streams while giving cardholders the opportunity to spend their crypto balance in a frictionless way🤌🤌🚀🚀

But wallet firms face significant demands on resources when introducing a card in a new region🌐, which is where Mastercard and its issuance partners come in🎯🔗

Mastercard is bringing its trusted ⭐️and transparent approach to the digital assets space through a range of innovative products and solutions such as-

  1. Mastercard Multi-Token Network💰

  2. Crypto Credential🔒

  3. CBDC Partner Program🤝

  4. Card program to connect Web2 and Web3🔗

Large credit card networks are moving ahead with crypto despite tough market conditions and regulatory uncertainty in places like the U.S. Does this mean the future is bright?🤔🤔

 🚀Walmart's Web3 Accelerator Program🚀

Walmart’s incubation arm, Store Nº8, and Outlier Ventures have joined forces to launch its web3 accelerator program, Store Nº8 Base Camp🌐🎯

The 12-week virtual incubator program brought in a flagship group of five companies 👥that speci

alize in web3 marketing, 🚀advertising and improving payment technology, among other themes. 🤌🙌

The startups are based in the U.S., Italy, Poland and the United Kingdom.🌐🔒

Web3 allows customers to buy virtual goods🎉 but also real-world counterparts🤝, providing an opportunity to connect physical and virtual lives💰

Therfore, The program is focused on “decentralized commerce,” which means improving experiences for retailers and consumers through web3 innovation💯

The program is superb and teams are operating across a range of blockchains🤌💯

Each project received $200,000 stipends from Synergis Capital and enterprise advising from KPMG U.S. 💡

The startups will also have access and support from Store Nº8’s networks across e-commerce, retail, marketing, media, web3, gaming and venture.⚒️📢

More than 370 startups applied and just these five teams made it to the final stage!!🤌🤌😭😭😭

Also, if you like such content, i would like to recommend you more of our Joints!👇

👉🏻Why Do Hackers love crypto so much?👈🏻

Why hackers are drawn to cryptocurrencies:

1. Anonymity: 🕵️‍♂️ Hackers are attracted to cryptocurrencies because they provide a cloak of anonymity🤔

2. Decentralization: 🏦 Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, which means they operate without a central authority overseeing transactions. This decentralization offers hackers a level of independence and protection 🔒from government regulations, enabling them to operate on a global scale without constraints

3. Privacy and Pseudonymity: 🎭 Cryptocurrency transactions are recorded on a public ledger (blockchain), but the participants are often identified by pseudonymous addresses💡

4. Security: 🔒 Cryptocurrencies use robust cryptographic techniques to secure transactions and wallets☠️

5. Digital Nature: 💻 Cryptocurrencies are purely digital, which makes them highly convenient for hackers. They can easily transfer funds across borders🌐, making them ideal for various illegal activities.

6. Global Accessibility: 🌎 Cryptocurrencies are accessible globally, allowing hackers to conduct transactions and illegal activities without geographic limitations🤌

7. Lack of Reversibility: ⏪ Cryptocurrency transactions are typically irreversible. Once a hacker receives payment, it's challenging for victims to recover their funds, making it a preferred choice for ransomware attacks and scams.⚒️📢

8. Innovation and Challenge: 🧠 Some hackers are drawn to cryptocurrencies because they enjoy the intellectual challenge they pose⭐️

All these factors combined create an environment where hackers can operate discreetly, efficiently, and globally. This is why cryptocurrencies have become a favored medium for conducting illicit activities in the digital realm🔐💼😈🚀

I hope this explanation made it clear why hackers love crypto! and now I want you guys to share this newsletter within your group and get us some more subscribers!🥺🥺

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So,This is what the JOINT #27 had to offer we went from Mastercard to Hackers and we promise to deliver an even better experience next time🤗🤗 so stay subscribed!

Also please do me a favor and share this newsletter with your web3 friends 🫂🫂(secret - this will make sure you make good money in web3 world in the coming future)❤️❤️😭😭😭

Thanks for spending your valuable 5 minutes with us, see you soon in JOINT #28!!🫂🫂


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